The OneBy Conversion Episode
I’ve decided to convert my bike from a 2x10 to a 1x11. I send an email asking if they had any kit to replace the inserts of the cable guides and also if they could tell me the correct distance between the chainring and the center of the frame for the 1x11 system. They didn't know what the correct distance was, that i find a little bit strange for a technical center, and told me that the chainring should be align with the center cog of the cassete, common knowledge.
About the kit, they told me that they have it and will sent me one. Ok so far so good. Paid it and received after a few weeks, only one cover was in the mail, the one to cover the entrance on the head tube for the front derailleur cable guide. The next day, there i was on the computer sending an email with pictures, etc, explaining what happened and they reply, only a few days later as usual, that the one part missing was out of stock and they’ll send it later. A few weeks later i received the missing part and it was exactly the same as the first one, i was expecting to receive one to cover the exit of the cable guides and not another one to cover both entrances (There’s still a derailleur in the back).